
Mafians [Ranks/Rules/Recruiting] by axel Apr 14, 2013 18:49:22 GMT -5
We are the brave, the intelligent, the elite. We are the Mafians.

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? Hermeaous Mora sign here by Tundra ? Aug 26, 2013 12:07:34 GMT -5
The bad and the ugly. These canines show no mercy whatsoever to those they dislike or have a price on their heads. They are a bunch of pure breds and bounty hunters, following strict order by their alphas, Tara and Blake. They are very loyal with only one place for leaders. Good and well trained hunters and the best of the best fighters and assasins. If you are brave enough to attempt to try out and come before Tara herself, what are you waiting for? Give it your best shot.
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Tundra ? Avatar
created by Tundra ? last post by Tundra ?
Sept 15, 2013 8:36:31 GMT -5


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