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Once massive in size, this lake has since dried up, leaving only a small crop of muddy water in it's center. There are very few opportunities to find shelter on this flat lake bed and anyone is easily spotted.
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These are the great endless grasslands this area is known for. With the dust storms and the lack of human influence these massive swaths of land have returned to normal. Watch out for buffalo and prairie dog holes, and be sure to return to safety at the first sign of dust on the wind. These are not safe places to spend during a storm.
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Being here is almost a guaranteed death sentence. With virtually no source of water and no shelter to speak of, it would take a very special dog to survive in this wasteland.
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This small tunnel penetrates deep into the base of the mountains, providing superb shelter from the sun and dust storms. The lanterns that line the walls have long been extinguished, making exploration far beyond the entrance impossible. A word of caution, rattlesnakes enjoy the mine as well, so watch your feet.
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Towering above the surrounding area, these red rock mountains are nearly impossible to scale, but if one can survive the trip to the top they will be protected. That is, if the mountain lions don't eat you first. A few desperate trees cling to the edges, but their growth has been stunted from the lack of water.

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With Our Backs to the Wall [OPEN] by Chestnut Sept 19, 2013 18:13:45 GMT -5

What this town was once named for, this creek runs parallel to the mountains and is fed by what little water falls on the mountains. During summer and fall it is nearly dry with just a trickle running over the rocks. However in winter and especially spring, the creek returns almost fully to its original form.
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When Saddle Creek was strong, this mill used to grind grain. Now it sits empty, abandoned and useless along the river, its floors and equipment covered in a fine layer of flour.
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Tundra ? Avatar
created by Tundra ? last post by Tundra ?
Sept 15, 2013 8:36:31 GMT -5


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