
Till the Love Runs Out [open] by »??lver Jun 22, 2014 21:19:48 GMT -5

Further from the town than most of the surrounding farms, this once prosperous ranch was home to many well-bred cattle and horses until the drought hit. The old house still stands strong, its two floors and basement making the perfect place for females to raise their pups, so long as they can keep them away from the missing back door. The large cattle barn and equally impressive horse stables tend to make good hunting for rodents and snakes, while the covered arena provides an excellent meeting area. Well-maintained fields, now home to more sand than vegetation, still harbor game foul and some slow-drying ponds.
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At one point these were crop producing fields, but thanks to man's habit of never ending production they have been turned into moats of dust and useless ground. Beware these places, at times dust devils can spring from no where.
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An abandoned livestock ranch with a number of pens and large grazing pastures. It also hold a barn with old hay, twenty stalls, and a loft. If you can find a way inside, the farmhouse is a great place to hide out.
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What started as odds and ends in an old man's back yard eventually grew into a large pile of junk. The old cars and rusting farm equipment make decent shelter.
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No one ever wants to go into this house. Home to suspected hauntings, not to mention all the tools necessary of the trade, it's a living example of what happened to those too old, sick or simply raised for such things. It's a sad way to go, in the Slaughter house, but many have gone that way, and some still do, even now, whether by accident of by intent it is unsure, but one thing is sure. Bellvue Slaughter House is a place avoided by all for the memories are never good.
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Sept 15, 2013 8:36:31 GMT -5


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